
Artist Study: Vincent Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night”

3rd grade students studied the life and works of Vincent Van Gogh before creating their large scale watercolor paintings.

Georgia O’Keeffe Flowers: 3rd Grade

After studying the life and flower paintings of Georgia O’Keeffe, students learned how to use chalk pastels and black glue to create their own artworks.

Endangered Animals Inspired by Andy Warhol: 5th Grade

For this unit, 5th graders learned about the life of famous pop artist Andy Warhol. Students studied his works featuring endangered animals and created their own pop art with oil pastels. 

Bridget Riley Inspired Op-Art: 5th grade

5th graders learned about the life and optical illusions of artist Bridget Riley. After studying Riley’s work, they used shading techniques, sketching and sharpies to create their own illusions. 

Henri Matisse Collages: 3rd grade

Students studied the collage techniques and unique approaches of artist Henri Matisse. Next, they practiced making their own silhouettes and collaging a background with Matisse inspired shapes.

Zentangle Landscapes:  4th and 5th grade

For this unit project students learned about the history of zentangles, the element of line and how to create their own landscapes. We experimented with colored pencil shading techniques and practiced creating a foreground and background in our drawings.